Thoroton Society Events

Lectures, unless otherwise stated, are held at Nottingham Mechanics, 3 North Sherwood Street, NOTTINGHAM  NG1 4EZ. Lectures start at 2:30 pm.

This venue is fully accessible and has facilities for disabled people. A bookstall is available from 2:00 pm.

Saturday 14 October 2023
Myles Thoroton Hildyard Lecture: ‘Plumptre House, Nottingham’
Pete Smith, Independent Architectural Historian

Pete’s talk is based on an album of architectural drawings for Plumptre House in the Nottinghamshire Archives. The drawings relate to the internal remodelling of the house and its interior by Collen Campbell in the early years of the eighteenth century. The house was finally demolished in 1859.

Saturday 4 November 2023
Annual Lunch
Ramsdale Golf Centre, Oxton Road, Calverton, NG14 6NU. 12:30 for 1:00 pm.
Cost £30 per person. Download the Booking Form.

Saturday 11 November 2023
Nottinghamshire History Lecture: ‘Naughty Nottinghamshire: Criminality and the County before the Civil War’.
Erin Newman, Nottingham Trent University

Saturday 9 December 2023
Neville Hoskins Lecture: ‘Queen Victoria and Nottingham’
Kevin Powell, Local Historian

Saturday 13 January 2024
Maurice Barley Lecture: ‘The Workhouse & Infirmary, Southwell - founded 1824’
Fiona Lewin, Senior Collections & House Officer, National Trust

Saturday 10 February 2024
Rosalys Coope Lecture: ‘Artisans Abroad - British Migrant Workers in Europe 1815-70’
Fabrice Bensimon, University College, London

Saturday 9 March 2024
Norah Witham Lecture: ‘Vikings in your language’
Professor Richard Dance, University of Cambridge

Thursday 21 March 2024
Panel event: ‘The legacy of the Miner's Strike’
Nottingham Mechanics, 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm.
Further information here.

Saturday 27 April 2024
Spring Meeting & AGM
Colston Bassett Village Hall, Colston Bassett NG23 5LF at 2:00 pm
Entry to the AGM is free, there will be a modest charge for afternoon tea.

Thursday 16 May 2024
Excursion: Laxton - village, church and castle

Wednesday 12 June 2024
Excursion: 1620s House and Garden at Donington le Heath, Leicestershire

Thursday 18 July 2024
Excursion: Beauvale Priory and DH Lawrence Country

Keith Train Lecture in association with Nottingham Civic Society
No dates have been announced by Nottingham Civic Society but more details, when available, will be shown at