Publications news
- Volumes I (for 1897) to LIII (for 1949) of the Transactions of the Thoroton Society have been digitized and are now available on the Archaeology Data Service website.
- The latest volume of the Transactions of the Thoroton Society was published in April 2024. Further information is available here.
- The latest volume in the Thoroton Society Record Series, Church, Land and People : Essays Presented to John Beckett, was published in Summer 2020. Further information on the book is available here.
Transactions of the Thoroton Society
The Transactions appear annually in April to coincide with the Society's Annual General Meeting.
Thoroton Society Record Series
The Society publishes an occasional Record Series, printing major documentary sources of Nottinghamshire history held by local and national archive repositories. Fifty volumes have been published since 1903.
Thoroton Society Newsletters
The Newsletter is published four times a year and contains short articles and information on meetings, lectures, exhibitions, day schools and visits. It also has news about individual members and other organisations and has reviews of new publications.
Other Thoroton Society publications
- The Centenary Commemorative Booklet
- Centenary Index to the Transactions, Record Series and Excavation Section, 1897-1997
Reviews of publications on Nottinghamshire
- Publications on Nottinghamshire local history and archaeology are reviewed by members of the Society on an occasional basis.
Ordering Thoroton Society publications
- The ordering Thoroton Society publications page gives information on prices and ordering.