Ordering Thoroton Society publications

Transactions of the Thoroton Society

Information on volumes published since 2014 is available on the Transactions page.

Thoroton Society Record Series

Volume Title Price
Price (members)
50. Church, Land and People : Essays Presented to John Beckett £20 £15
49. The Nottinghamshire Church Notes of Sir Stephen Glynne, 1825-1874 £10 £7
48. Newstead Abbey: a Nottinghamshire Country House: its Owners and Architectural History 1540-1931 £15 £10
47. The Welbeck Atlas: William Senior’s surveys of the estates of William Cavendish, first Earl of Newcastle, 1629-1640 [out of print]
46. Church Life in Georgian Nottinghamshire: Archbishop Drummond’s Parish Visitation Returns 1764 [out of print]
45. Village Government and Taxation in Later Stuart Nottinghamshire: The Gedling ‘Town Book’ 1664-1714 [out of print]
44. Ducal Estate Management in Georgian Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire: The Diary of William Gould, 1783-1788 [out of print]
43. Unhappy Reactionary: The Diaries of the Fourth Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne, 1822-50 [out of print]

Other Thoroton Society publications

Title Price
Price (members)
The Creation of a Civic University: The Centenary Cust Foundation Lecture, 2021 by John Beckett £5.00 £3.00
The Thoroton Society. A Commemoration of its first 100 years. Edited by John Beckett. Nottingham, 1997 £3.00 £3.00

Please note that the prices do not include postage and packing.

All enquiries concerning the purchase of the above publications (but not current subscriptions) should be addressed to Rob James, Honorary Distribution and Sales Secretary

Email address: sales@thorotonsociety.org.uk