Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire

The Society's Transactions contain articles and reports describing the results of research into aspects of local history and archaeology. They have been published annually since 1897, and are distributed to academic institutions and private subscribers throughout the world.

All communications concerning the publication of papers and notes in the Transactions should be sent to the following addresses:

History and General Editor: Richard Jones BA DPhil FSA

Archaeology: Chris King PhD

Notes for the guidance of contributors to the Transactions

It is essential that all intending contributors to the Transactions should consult the Editors at an early stage in the preparation of papers and to obtain a copy of the detailed Notes for the guidance of contributors which sets out the desired format and conventions:

All papers must be submitted by the end of September for consideration for publication by the end of the following March. They are circulated for comment to members of the Publications Committee who meet to make final decisions at the end of October.

Contents of recent Transactions

Ordering Transactions

Please see the Ordering Thoroton Society publications page for information on purchasing copies of the Transactions.

Please note that Volumes 100 (for 1996) to 110 (for 2006) and 112 (for 2008) to 122 (for 2018) are currently (June 2019) in print.

Transactions available online

Volumes I (for 1897) to LIV (for 1950) have been digitized and are now available on the Archaeology Data Service website.