Thoroton Society Record Series
Thoroton Society Record Series Volume XXXIX (1995). A Nottinghamshire village in war and peace: the accounts of the constables of Upton, 1640 - 1666. Edited by Martyn Bennett.
Nottinghamshire Village in War and Peace: the Accounts of the Constables
of Upton, 1640-1666, has been edited by Dr Martyn Bennett of Nottingham
Trent University. The edition comprises a full transcript with index
of a volume deposited in Nottinghamshire Archives listing the payments
made by successive village constables of Upton during the Civil War,
Commonwealth and Restoration periods. These accounts have been described
as one of the two best examples of their type and period in the whole
country, and they provide a vivid impression of the effects of the Civil
War on a local community only a few miles from the heavily defended and
frequently beseiged Royalist garrison town of Newark. Amongst the burdens
which the villagers had to bear were constant demands for taxation, the
raiding of local produce, the presence of unruly troops (including the
payment of a form of protection money to encourage them to
stay away) and the provision of lodgings for a stream of wounded soldiers,
refugees, and other travellers.
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